
tradesman maintaining a radiator

Spring Cleaning Tips for your Plumbing and Heating

As spring approaches and the cold, harsh weather of winter fades away; we all begin to think about spring cleaning our homes. Besides cleaning our house it is also an excellent time of year to treat our heating and plumbing system to a spring clean too.

Top spring cleaning tips for plumbing and heating system

  1. Check your boiler is working properly and that the pressure gauge is set at the right pressure. Top up with water if needed.
  2. Bleed your radiators. If there are cold spots, then air is trapped in the system and they will be less efficient.
  3. Wrap up your water tank and insulate hot water pipes to help conserve heat and save money.
  4. Insulate your pipes to help prevent burst pipes next winter.
  5. Seal all windows and doors with draught excluders to stop warm air escaping and cut down on your energy bill.
  6. Fit an audible carbon monoxide alarm

Lagging for water pipes, insulating material for water tanks and draught excluders can all be bought cheaply at DIY stores.

Major work to heating and plumbing systems, like fitting a new boiler are also better carried out in the spring and summer months when plumbers have less demand on their time and being without heating for a day or so is less challenging for the family.

For more advice on general maintenance of your boiler and heating system or fitting a new system get in touch with Range Heating on 07872 105.

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